Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Facebook: Recommend/Like any article

Facebook provides end-users a bookmarklet[?] to share an article on the internet with your friends. If you are a blogger or owner of a site, you can add Facebook's (Recommend) or (Like) boxes for your article/blog.

But what if, you, as an end-user want to recommend or like any article on internet and you want to let your friends on Facebook know about it? Steps are quite simple!

Just drag below bookmarklets to your browser's Bookmarks toolbar:



And you're done!

Next time while surfing the net, when you stumble upon an interesting news article you can either like or recommend it instantly to your Facebook friends by just clicking these bookmarklets on your browser.

Now, if you're logged in into Facebook and say you click Facebook:Like,

the link of your current page (with a meaningful caption) will automatically be published to your friends (you can see it on your Facebook wall). It'll be a simple update, which will look somewhat like this:

Simple, isn't it? Happy Facebooking!!! :-)

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